The research underpinning our technology
Daphnia as sentinel species for environmental health protection

Waterfleas hold key to cleaner environment and better human health

Daphne Water Solutions is a key partner in UPSTREAM the Horizon Europe Project
Circular and Bio-Based Solutions for the Ultimate Prevention of Plastics in Rivers Integrated with Elimination And Monitoring Technologies
with 11 industrial partners, 9 research institutes and 2 non-profit organisations

Daphne Water Solutions showcased by Research England for addressing global challenges
Research England showcases Daphne Water Solution as a pioneering technology to address water shortage issues in Low and Middle Income Countries with a first feasibility study in Brazil.

Innovate UK funds the first test trial for DWS
Innovate UK is the flagship funding programme for UK Research & Innovation. In 2020, Innovate UK funded the first test trials of DWS in Brazil. The founders of DWS collaborated with Seip7 (see partners) to showcase and promote the technology for applications in commercial environments.
Daphne Water Solutions test trials in South Africa
In summer 2021 Umgeni Water Amanzi funds the first commercial trials in South Africa to benchmark DWS against established technologies. South Africa is among the first countries to embrace a green economy and sustainable technologies for water decontamination.

Daphne Water Solutions Ltd part of CIP
In summer 2023, DWS becomes one of the selected businesses to be part of Cohort 3 of the Climate Innovation Platform Programme at the Tyseley Energy Park Birmingham. Tyseley Energy Park promotes green, zero-carbon businesses.